
2013年11月16日 星期六

緊記不要在聖誕時向 Apple 上傳 apps,Apple 宣布 iTunes Connect 將於 12 月 21 至 27 日暫停服務

不經不覺,一年一度的聖誕節又來了,Apple 在早前向開發人員發放電郵表示,因應聖誕節,iTunes Connect 將於 2013 年 12 月 21 至 27 日暫停服務,屆時開發人員將不能遞交 apps 與新 In-app Purchase 項目,而銷售報告亦可能延誤。另外,Apple 亦提醒開發人員不要在以上日期更改 apps 的價格,否則該項目將會在 iTunes Connect 恢復服務前下架,跳轉後可以找到有關的電郵內容:

iTunes Connect will be temporarily unavailable from Saturday, December 21, to Friday, December 27, 2013.
During that time, iTunes Connect will not be accessible and you will not be able to submit any apps or In-App Purchases. Processing of any Newsstand Atom feeds will be delayed until after December 27. Sales and Trends reports via the Autoingestion tool will be available but may also be delayed.
Also, you should not schedule any pricing changes or apps to go live between those dates. Pricing changes scheduled to take effect in that date range will cause the app to become unavailable for purchase until after December 27. Similarly, apps scheduled to go live during that range will not be released until after December 27.
If you have any additional questions, use the Contact Us module on iTunes Connect. 


