
2013年10月8日 星期二

Camera+ 發放 4.2 更新,為 iPhone 5 和 5c 帶來連拍模式

目前,只有搭載 A7 處理晶片的 iPhone 5s 才支援連拍模式。但是,其實 iPhone 5 和 iPhone 5c 的用戶也不用光看著買了 iPhone 5s 的朋友示範這個 iPhone 5s 尊享的新功能,只需要到 App Store 下載一個名為「Camera+」的 app 就可以了。剛剛,Camera+ 就發放了 4.2 更新,當中除了少不了的除蟲和提升穩定性外,還為「有能力處理」的 iPhone 5s、銷量不太好的 iPhone 5c 和 iPhone 5 的裝置帶來全解像度的連拍模式。另一方面,所有裝置亦可在更新後享受到 iOS 7 內置的濾鏡。


下載連結:https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/camera+/id329670577?l=zh&mt=8(iTunes App Store)

What’s New in Version 4.2
So the previous version of Camera+ had a little bug where burst-mode shooting would crash. We fixed that.
We almost stopped there and just called it version 4.0.3, but then figured that it’d be the perfect time to boost burst-mode snaps to full-resolution on devices that could handle it (like the iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, and the unapologetically poorly-selling iPhone 5c).
That was enough to justify calling it version 4.1. And then we thought about jumping on the bandwagon where we put Camera+ out as a whole new app and let existing customers pay for it all over again. And of course there’d be the ensuing sh__storm where those customers felt cheated and we’d have to backpedal and reverse that shortsighted decision.
So it was Clear that that would’ve been a knuckleheaded move so instead, we decided to treat our lovely customers fairly and make Camera+ 4.1 a free update as we’ve always done. But then we felt like it was all give and no take… so to make us feel better about giving-in too easily, we chose to call it version 4.2. That’ll teach you to mess with us.
Then we felt bad about jumping ahead two version numbers and giving you little for your troubles. So we added a new effects pack that includes all the filters that Apple’s standard Camera and Photo apps include (for users on iOS 7). Two hours of coding (and eight trivial Core Image filters later), the Standard Effects Pack was born.

