
2013年8月30日 星期五

Parallels Desktop 9 面世,加入更多整合 Mac 和 Windows 的新功能

較早前,Parallels Desktop 發表新聞稿,宣布新一代 Mac 虛擬機器(virtual machine)app — Parallels Desktop 正式面世。這個版本迎來了多個整合 Mac 及 Windows 的新功能,當中包括以傳統「開始」清單(Start Menu)取代 Windows 8 預設的 Metro Modern 介面,並會以視窗模式運行 Modern apps、把 Power Nap 功能延伸到 Windows、整合 iCloud、Dropbox、SkyDrive、Google Drive 等雲端服務、讓 Windows 內也能使用「聽寫」(Dictation)及字典等 OS X 功能,以及支援把文件「列印」成 PDF 檔案並儲存在 Mac 上。另外,Parallels Desktop 亦迎來讓系統更安全的 Security Center、追加 FireWire 與 Thunderbolt 的支援,同時也進一步改善安裝虛擬系統的過程。至於 Linux 用戶則可享用到 Windows 已經擁有多時的整合功能。

當然光是新功能是不足夠的,Parallels Desktop 9 在效能上亦有所提升,當中存取效能提升了 40%,啟動及關閉速度就提升 25%,同時亦改善 OpenGL 及 DirectX 10 影像技術的表現,使 3D 圖像處理和瀏覽網頁效能也有 15% 提升。

至於大家關心的發售詳情方面,Parallels Desktop 已於 8 月 29 日開放予升級用戶,而網路版及實體版將會於 9 月 5 日推出。價格方面,標準版及學生版的售價分別為 US$79.99(HK$ 約620.3、NT$ 約2,393)及 US$39.99(HK$ 約310.1、NT$ 約1,197),Switch to Mac Edition 則以 US$99.95(HK$ 約775.1、NT$ 約2,991)發售,而Parallels Desktop 7 或 8 的升級優惠價為 US$49.99(HK$ 約387.7、NT$ 約1,496)。


Parallels Desktop for Mac 9 Upgrade Features

Run Windows applications like they were made for your Mac. Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac takes advantage of Mac OS X Mountain Lion's great features and applies them to Windows programs, like support for Launchpad, Dictation, Notification Center and Mission Control.

New! SkyDrive, iCloud, Photo Stream, Dropbox, Google Drive optimizations make sure you don't inadvertently duplicate files locals, so you get the most of our storage space.

New! Get stuff done in Windows at with a "real" Start menu and the ability to run Modern (Metro) apps in a separate window rather than in full screen.

Enhanced! New Virtual Machine wizard makes it even easier to create new virtual machines, especially if your Mac doesn't have an optical drive. 

New! Integration between Mac and Windows deepens, and now you can use the Mac Dictionary gesture to access the dictionary in Windows.
Improved graphics. Don't compromise with graphically intensive apps. 

Enhanced! Increased graphics performance: compared to previous versions.
New! Thunderbold drives connect to your Virtual Machines.
New! Firewire drives connect just like USB devices. 

New! Security Wizard makes it easy for you to be sure all your stuff is secure, both on your Mac and in your Windows virtual machine.


