
2013年8月8日 星期四

Apple 向開發人員發放 OS X Mavericls Developer Preview 5 及 OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Build 12F33 測試版作業系統

今早,Apple 向開發人員分別發放新的 OS X Mavericks 及 OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 測試版作業系統。當中 OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 5 除了提升穩定性外,還帶來了大家引頸以待的 OS X 版 iBooks(在跳轉後可以找到動手玩影片)。至於 OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Build 12F33 就和以前的測試版本一樣,並沒有帶來新功能,不過 Apple 就繼續要求各位開發人員把精力集中在 Wi-Fi、圖像處理、「從休眠模式啟動」、圖像處理、PDF 檔案顯示、輔助使用,以及新增的行動裝置管理(Mobile Device Management)六個方面。

引用來源 / 圖片轉自:http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/08/07/apple-seeds-os-x-mavericks-developer-preview-5-1085-beta-6(AppleInsider)

Using iBooks on the Mac - Mavericks Developer Preview 5

In this video I show what it is like to read an download a book in iBooks. (For the record, I didn't see what the book was about or its cover before I downloaded it. It was free, that's why I chose it.) You can see the various different tools you can use in the new iBooks app, like search, highlighting, bookmarks, and more. 

