再過幾個月,相信不少去年首批購買、而還沒購買 AppleCare 的 iPhone 5 也將要過保了。在保養(保固)期過後,如果大家的 iPhone 5 遇到什麼問題,除了交給維修人員處理並付上不便宜的費用外,其實還可以自己動手更換電池。最近,經常把裝置
但是,由於更換電池過程涉及排線等脆弱零件,因此沒有信心或認為自己大意的朋友,還是把 iPhone 交給維修人員處理比較好。
How To: Replace the Battery in an iPhone 5
I was right in the middle of putting an awesome filter on my latest Instagram when my iPhone 5 died. Of course I was devastated, because lets face it, how else will my friends know what it looks like outside today. This is becoming a frustrating trend with my phone so I think its time for a new battery. This video will give you an overview of replacing the Battery in your iPhone 5.