
2013年3月22日 星期五

Twitter 七歲生日快樂(影片)

不經不覺,著名社交網站 Twitter 已經面世七週年(而小編也用了 Twitter 接近三年)。到目前為止,Twitter 上已累積了超過 20 億活躍用戶,而每天更有 40 億條新的 Tweets(推文)。廢話就不再多說了,大家一起在跳轉後觀看由 Twitter 製作的慶祝影片吧。

順帶一提,如果大家還未 Follow 小編的 Twitter(@johnlamhc),可以按以下連結 Follow:https://www.twitter.com/johnlamhc

Celebrating #Twitter7

Since @jack first tweeted in 2006, Twitter has become a global town square. Thanks to all of you, our open, real-time platform is thriving: well over 200 million active users send more than 400 million Tweets every day. Here's to your creativity, curiosity and experimentation on our platform. We're gratified that so many millions of you have made Twitter yours. Thank you.

引用來源:http://blog.twitter.com/2013/03/celebrating-twitter7.html(Twitter Blog)

