
2013年2月25日 星期一

Steve Jobs 在歷年來有趣的片段(影片)

說起已故的 Steve Jobs,相信大家也會想到每一次 Apple 發表會的盛況和發表的產品吧,但是大家又記不記得每次會上有趣的場面呢?較早前,EverySteveJobsVideo 就在 YouTube 上發放了一段 Steve Jobs 在歷年來有趣的片段合集,當中更包括著名的 iPhone 發表會(MacWorld 2007)上致電 Starbucks 訂購咖啡的片段,大家不妨在跳轉後看看這段影片。

Steve Jobs FUNNIEST moments (1978-2011)

Steve Jobs raised the bar when it came to keynote presentations. They were simply astonishing. A Steve Jobs presentation doesn't just deliver information, it educates, motivates and entertains. We mostly remember "Stevenotes" for iconic product introductions and One More Things moments, but they were also filled with humour. When is the last time you had fun watching a presentation? Steve knew how to press the right buttons to make a crowd laugh. Here's the proof.

