
2013年2月21日 星期四

使用 Google Project Glass 的感覺是怎樣的呢?(影片)

不知道大家還記不記得在去年 Google I/O 的 Project Glass 呢?最近,Google 推出了一段在 Project Glass 上使用 Hangout、拍攝、導航等功能,大家不妨在跳轉後看看這段影片喔。

How It Feels [through Glass]

Want to see how Glass actually feels? It's surprisingly simple. Say "take a picture" to take a picture. Record what you see, hands free. Even share what you see, live.

Directions are right in front of you. Speak to send a message, or translate your voice. Get the notifications that matter most. Ask whatever's on your mind and get answers without having to ask.

All video footage captured through Glass.

Welcome to a world through Glass. See more athttp://www.google.com/glass/start

"New Lipstick" by The Kissaway Trail on Google Play -http://goo.gl/v4dUf

