
2012年10月27日 星期六

過份追捧 Apple 還是 Android 的人比較討厭?其實兩者一樣討厭(影片)

有些蘋果迷總是經常喜歡在親戚朋友面前追捧 Apple 產品並勸他們也一起加入水果幫,不過有時他們的行為也太過分了。不過,如果你問我過份追捧 Apple 還是 Android 的人比較討厭呢?我會回答其實兩者一樣討厭。

繼早前的諷刺蘋果迷們經常不知不覺間做出的過分行為的影片,最近同一個外國網站也弄了一個諷刺 Android 粉絲做出過分行為的影片。不論大家是蘋果迷或者是 Android 粉絲,也不要做出這些惹人討厭的行為哦。

Shit Android Fanatics Say

Shit Android Users Say by http://www.MobilePhoneFinder.com.au/

Are you an Android or Apple fanatic? Tell us what you say. 

Office - Oh there's your problem ... it's an iPhone
Cafe - How did you even get here using Apple maps?
Shop - Nah, I got a 'Droid
Office - Why is your screen so small?
Sofa - It doubles as a portable drive
Magazine - And I didn't even need to jailbreak it
glasses - Oh, I love this widget
Office - I can hold it any way, and I still get full reception
Cafe - Full reception
Office- Full reception
Dungeon - I can play slot cars in my dungeon and I still get full reception
Cafe- Cheap
Street- So Cheap
Sofa - Cheap
Office - Best camera phone, ever
Store - with Steve Jobs dead, Apple is going downhill
Magazine- Apple is going downhill
Street - How do you even see anything on that tiny little screen?
Cafe - It's so cute!
Bed - Hey, let me root your phone
Office - Wooo, look at me, I'm Steve Jobs
Street - Steve Jobs. Bleughueghoweugh. 
Bed - It's not copying if it's better
Street - Bleughuegh
Hairdresser - Bleughuegh
Bar - I run the world
Street- I'm Steve Jobs
Cafe- Bleughuegh
Shower - I hate Apple
Street - So durable
Office - Customisable
Glasses - Ah, I love this camera
Office - What are your specs?
Magazine - It's all about widgets
Bed - Uuhhh, this is my favourite widget
Magazine - Even the magazine is twice the price
Office - What ROM are you running
Bar - Dude check out my ROM
Dungeon - No, it's a standard micro USB cable
Cafe- It's just a standard micro USB cable
Bed - Aww, shame. Pity it's not a standard micro USB cable.
Sofa - Ugh, if only you had NFC
Dungeon - I'm controlling the slot car with my phone ... just kidding.
Bar- Siri's a bitch
Bed - Bleughuegh

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