在 OS X Mountain Lion Developer Preview 3 推出後,為 OS X Mountain Lion 設計的 Safari 5.2 也同樣獲得了更新-Safari 5.2 beta Update 3。這次 Apple 並沒有說明加入了甚麼新功能,只是增加了其穩定性,但經小編一個多小時的測試後,發現不少部分也有作出本地化,例如網址列右側的「閱讀器」按鈕。另外,在網址列上,網站所使用的安全連接(https)也有更清楚的標記及顯示,跳轉後是 Apple 的更新說明(release notes):
Safari 5.2 Update 3:
Safari and WebKit Release Notes
Important: This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Although this document has been reviewed for technical accuracy, it is not final. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final software and final documentation.
This seed build is not localized.
Web Audio API
The Web Audio API is a high-level JavaScript API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications. While the HTML5 audio element allows for basic streaming and audio playback, the Web Audio API is powerful enough for more complex audio applications that require mixing, processing, or filtering audio data, such as a modern game audio engine or an interactive audio production application.
HTML5 Media Controllers
An HTML5 media controller can synchronize or otherwise coordinate the playback of multiple HTML5 media elements. For instance, you could use a media controller to overlay a sign language interpretation track over a video track, and keep the two in sync.
A media controller has the same methods and events as an HTML media element. This means that, for example, when you call the pause() method on a controller, any
media that is slaved to that controller will be paused. Or, when a controller receives a canplaythrough event, all media slaved to that controller can be played through to the end without buffering.
HTML5 Timed Text Tracks
HTML5 timed text tracks enable captions, subtitles, descriptions, and chapters by letting you specify the timing of text that appears with an HTML5 video element.
CSS Filters
CSS filters let you apply pixel effects to any image or web page element with a single line of code. Available filter functions include sepia, hue-rotate, saturate, invert, opacity, brightness, contrast, blur, grayscale, and drop-shadow. Filters can be combined, and changes to the filter property can be animated with CSS transitions or animations. The table below shows an image with different CSS filters applied to it.
SVG Filters
Using SVG Filters, you can combine several filter primitive elements and light source elements into a single sophisticated filter, which can then be applied to any SVG element.
Redesigned Web Inspector
The Web Inspector has a streamlined new design that speeds up common development tasks. It features a new all new iconography, a navigation bar that lets you easily switch between different web page elements, a persistent JavaScript console, integrated timelines, and more. Additionally, JavaScript debugging is now enabled by default, and the page source view now opens in the Web Inspector automatically.
Bug Reporting
This build is being provided to you for testing and development purposes. Should you encounter any problems, please submit a bug report using the online Bug Reporter at http://bugreporter.apple.com/. Please make sure to include "Safari 5.2 Seed Update 3" in the bug title and description. Please also include the build number in your description (in the Safari menu, select “About Safari”; the build number is available there in parentheses. For example, “Version 5.2 (7536.6.1)”). This information will ensure that your bug is processed quickly.
When submitting a bug report, please make sure to include a Summary, Steps to Reproduce, Actual Results, Expected Results, the System Profile Report, and any other relevant information that is necessary to process the report. Please note if the bug is a regression from previously shipped version of the software.
When reporting bugs in Full Screen mode, please include the following information:
IMPORTANT: Engineering requires additional information for crashing bugs, kernel panics, and hanging issues.
- Which bars are visible before entering full screen mode (address bar, bookmarks bar, extensions bars, tab bar, status bar)
- Which bars are always visible after entering full screen mode (address bar, bookmarks bar, tab bar, status bar)
- Was the menubar visible when the bug occurred?
Crashing Bugs: Crash logs are required for crashing bugs. Crash logs can be located in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter.
Kernel Panics: Backtraces, which contain vital information for investigating kernel panics, are required for kernel panic issues. Backtraces can be saved to nvram on restart shutdown, then copied to the panic.log file on restart. The panic.log file can be found in /Library/Logs/PanicReporter.
Hanging Issues: When an application is hung, a Sample should be provided. This can be done using the Activity Monitor (/Applications/Utilities/). To generate a Sample using this utility, click on the hung application name, then from the View Menu select "Sample Process."
For complete instructions on submitting bug reports, please visit the Bug Reporting page at http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/. Thank you for your support.
To uninstall this preview software on a Mac, download the uninstaller in the Mac Dev Center or the Safari Dev Center. You must be logged in to access the uninstaller.