上星期,當 The new iPad(第三代 iPad)開售後,iFixit 馬上取得一台 16GB Wi-Fi + 4G 版本並對它進行拆解,確認它擁有超大容量電池,跳轉後是 iFixit 的拆解過程的影片:
想了解更多拆解過程,請瀏覽 iFixit:http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/iPad-3-4G-Teardown/8277/1
iPad 3 Teardown Review
Happy New iPad Day! In this video we cover the biggest changes to the new iPad, including the fancy-pants 2048x1536 Retina Display, A5X system on a chip processor, updated 42.5 watt-hour battery and 5 megapixel HD iSight camera. The real surprise is the uninspiring repairability score of 2 out of 10 (10 being a cinch to repair, and 1 being totally not worth your time). While definitely an upgraded iteration, Apple made zero effort to improve this New iPad's repairability, which is a huge disappointment to us.